Hand-Drawn Mindmaps vs. Computer Based Mindmaps: Pros and Cons to each

Due to the great work of Tony Buzan many people leverage the benefits of hand-drawn mindmaps.  In his many books he highlights how such maps are aligned with the thinking processes of the brain and how they help you to use a wide range of association techniques as well as images and colors.

Jamie Nast, Mindmapping Thought Leader, Author and Creator of the Idea Mapping Blog, also is a strong proponent of hand-drawn maps and their benefits.  

There is no doubt that there are times when a hand-drawn map is the most practical thing to do.  For example, when you are at a meeting and you don’t have your computer.  Or you want to create your own personal work of art with your mindmap to help you associate and recall things in a particular way.

However, both Tony Buzan and Jamie Nast, also fully understand the power of computer based mindmaps.  Tony Buzan has created iMindmap and Jamie Nast is an expert on using mindmapping software such as MindJet’s MindManager.

In fact, when you think about all the things you can do with computer based mindmaps, it becomes very clear that mindmaps via a computer are much more than a visual image. 

Chuck Frey, MindMapping Thought Leader and Creator of The Mind Mapping Software Blog recently highlighted 10 advantages to computer based mindmappping: 

  1. Mind mapping software enables you to arrange information in expandable and collapsible topic trees.
  2. Mind mapping software enables you to embed documents, links, notes and other data within the structure of your map, transforming it into the equivalent of a powerful visual database.
  3. Mind mapping software enables you to re-arrange the topics in your map at will, until it perfectly represents your ideas.
  4. A software-produced visual map isn’t just something you create once and forget about. Because you can update its contents as needed, it can become a powerful tool for managing your projects and tracking their progress on an ongoing basis.
  5. Mind mapping software enables you to export your ideas to other types of software, such as word processors, presentation and project management software. 
  6. Mind mapping software also opens up new opportunities for collaboration that don’t exist with hand-drawn maps.
  7. Another powerful advantage of mind mapping software is that you can utilize it to present your ideas, which makes it a powerful alternative to PowerPoint.
  8. Another unique capability of mind mapping software is that it can be used with an LCD projector and screen to record and display ideas during a group brainstorming session.
  9. Another unique capability of mind mapping software is that you can utilize it to create your own “information dashboard” – a map that consolidates a wealth of data that you need to manage into a single, visually-oriented screen.
  10. Finally, what makes mind mapping software unique is its flexibility. The number of different things you can do with it – from a business, education or personal standpoint – is amazing.

Please go to Chuck Frey’s site and read the full article as he goes into greater detail on each benefit.  Click here for the full article.

With all the benefits of computer based mindmapping, however, there still will always be a place for hand-drawn mindmaps.  

Chuck Frey, puts it this way, “In closing, please don’t take this list to mean that I am criticizing hand-drawn mind maps. There are still many occasions when nothing else will do – such as when you want to create a unique, colorful and very personal visualization of your ideas.”

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